Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, Chetpet hosted the 42nd Annual day celebrations at Kamaraj Arangam on 15th November 2024. Dr. Archana Prasad, Principal of MOP Vaishnav college for Women was the chief guest for the day. The school invited all the students and parents to the function which began at 3:00 pm. The school orchestra kept the audience entertained with a medley of melodies until the arrival of the chief guest. The event began with the lighting of the lamp followed by the welcome address by the school pupil Leader Hareish.
The school Annual Report was presented by the Principal, Shrimati V Sundari highlighting the institution’s journey throughout the year, emphasizing academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and the importance of holistic development. Dr. Archana Prasad appreciated the school for its meritorious service in the field of education and encouraged the students with valuable life lessons. The students’ scholastic achievements were recognised and awards were given. Furthermore, the school felicitated various teaching and non-teaching staff for their meritorious accomplishments. The second half of the programme included variegated cultural events by the students on the theme ‘Colours of Life’. The students from Pre- kindergarten to Senior Secondary, with traditional dances like Bharatanatyam and Kathak to contemporary group performances, captivated the audience with their grace and energy. The events concluded with the vote of thanks by the school ASPL Kareishini.